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Halloumi with Roasted Vegetables and Quinoa - Serves 4

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Recipe image


5ml Vegetable Oil
50g Red Onions – sliced
50g Mixed Peppers – sliced
200g Quinoa
250ml Water
20g Fresh Parsley – chopped
1 x Lemon – zest and juice
4g Caster Sugar
250g Halloumi
5g Vegetable Bouillon Paste


1. Heat half the oil in a pan, cook the onions and peppers for 2-3 minutes.
2. Mix the quinoa in water with the bouillon paste and then add to the
onions and peppers.
3. Simmer for 15 minutes and stir in half the parsley.
4. To make the dressing, mix the lemon zest, juice, remaining parsley,
remaining oil and sugar.
5. Grill the halloumi on both sides until golden.
6. Serve the halloumi on top of the quinoa and drizzle the dressing on top.

Recipe created by:

Norse Catering

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